About PIM

The OnePlace to import and export data, make product changes and ensure you have good quality data.

What is a PIM & Why is it Important?

A PIM is a designated platform for Product Information Management.

With the constantly increasing consumer demands and rising expectations, it is essential that product data is at a premium standard. A PIM provides Suppliers with the control to edit their product data within one central location, allowing the consistency of this data to be maintained across all of the Suppliers systems.

Product data and digital assets can be distributed across multiple systems from a PIM platform in a Suppliers’ and Merchants’ preferred format. This can also include requesting specific aspects of the product data, depending on the purpose of the product export.

Using a PIM to enrich product data can help to facilitate sales growth, as enhanced data can increase the chance of Merchants ordering, whilst being confident the product will suit their needs.

How Suppliers Can Benefit From the OnePlace PIM

OnePlace provides a Supplier with their own user-friendly PIM system, making it quick and easy to MAINTAIN or make improvements to the product data at any time. The Supplier can also easily identify gaps within the product data and ENHANCE these areas using the Health Check and Completion tools.

The OnePlace PIM facilitates the AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION of product data, including digital assets, into both Suppliers’ and Merchants’ back office systems in their preferred format.

Product Data Channels can be configured to feed data to E-Commerce solutions, ERPs, pricing systems and more, ensuring that all systems are kept UP TO DATE with the latest product data. The areas of data, alongside the frequency of export, can be edited at any time, ensuring that a Supplier has full control over the distribution of their data.

A Supplier’s products are instantly visible to over 1150 Merchants who all have free access to OnePlace allowing them to source products and data. All Merchants have access to EXPORT the product information, removing the need for a Supplier to spend time providing the same data to multiple Merchants upon request.

Product Completion

Dependent on the specific criteria, a product will be assessed on whether the relevant data is present. The product will be given a score per each criterion which will then average an overall completion score. Alongside the quality of their data, a Supplier can identify the exact areas where data is missing.

Health Check

An assessment of the quality of a Suppliers product data on OnePlace. This both informs Merchants and highlights to Suppliers where improvements can be made.

Spreadsheet View

Suppliers can create views based on chosen criteria to isolate certain areas of product data. From here they are able to make product changes, either individually or in bulk.



A tool for users to easily import and export product data to and from an external source. Designed to support the synchronization of product data across all platforms.


  • Product Completion
  • Health Check
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Custom views
  • ETIM compliant
  • Product data exports

Want to maximise your products’ potential?

See where your current products are matching up to OnePlace’s Gold & Platinum standards – along with any gaps and areas for enhancement.