About Ordering

Growing from a single supplier order portal, to a national trading platform, OnePlace now provides the opportunity for all NMBS Suppliers to trade with our Merchants. Over time, the requirements for Suppliers have become more specific and OnePlace has evolved to support this.

By understanding the needs and requirements of a Supplier, these can be implemented prior to the submission of an order. This ultimately reduces the time dedicated towards raising or answering any queries or making changes upon invoicing. For the Merchant, OnePlace proves time efficient as it not only provides the ability to find product information as well as order the products on one platform, but this can be done across the range of NMBS Suppliers. This time gained can then be devoted to other areas of business.

Pricing Structure

We understand that products do not often have one price for all and therefore OnePlace has the ability to store products with multiple prices for different merchants and groups of merchants. This ensures that the Merchant knows the exact price they will be paying for their order, ahead of submitting, and reduces any need for clarification after this point.


Bespoke Delivery Charges

OnePlace has been designed to allow delivery calculations to be added to the basket instantaneously. Determining factors can include delivery postcode, type of delivery (Next day/Direct to Site), order value and product specific charges. This ensures a Merchant has all the information before submitting and order and therefore reducing and future queries regarding delivery charges.

Bespoke Ordering Requirements

In order to reduce order queries and drive processing efficiencies for the supplier, the platform is tailored to each Supplier’s ordering rules. Requirements such as minimum order values, mandatory products, product restrictions and discount criterion can be accommodated for within OnePlace. This ensures that if any order doesn’t reach the criteria it cannot be submitted and sent across to the Supplier.

Order Formats

OnePlace provides the option to receive orders via PDF to a chosen email address or as an XML file into a designated sFTP. All orders are sent in the exact same format and therefore can be mapped on the side of the Supplier if chosen to do so.


  • Orders via PDF or XML
  • Merchant specific pricing
  • Tailored carriage charges
  • Drop shipping
  • Order documentation
  • Stock levels
  • Rebate, discounts and offers

Want to make your ordering process quicker?

See how you can benefit from exclusive rebates and visibility of order documentation available, without having to re-enter your order details.