Straight Through Ordering


Place an order in your back office and email to OnePlace


OnePlace will check your order and send it directly to the Supplier


The Supplier will process your order and deliver the goods

Now live on OnePlace, enabling you to send the order directly from your back office to the supplier via OnePlace without having to re-enter the order details. Allowing you to benefit from exclusive rebates and visibility of order documentation available.


What is Straight Through Ordering?

Email or upload your PDF or XML purchase order to OnePlace from your back office system.

If it passes order validation e.g. Minimum Order Value (MOV) met, product codes are for active products, the order will be sent from OnePlace to the supplier without you having to take any further action.

Your submitted order through OnePlace will allow you to view and receive order acknowledgments, delivery notes and more in OnePlace.


How Does it Work?

  1. The OnePlace team will map your PDFs.
    (Alternatively if you can send your orders in XML format, please contact the OnePlace team at to discuss setting this up.)
  2. Once mapped, send your orders into OnePlace to place the order with the necessary information.
  3. If your order doesn’t include everything required e.g. order acknowledgement email address, we can set this up in OnePlace to be added automatically when the order is pushed through so you don’t have to change or update anything on your purchase order.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our E-Commerce team on 0116 253 0531 or email

Get Started with Straight Through Ordering Today

Send us a mix of single and multi page 10 PDF purchase orders to get your PDF orders mapped.